10 Practical Goals For All Worship Leaders

As a worship leader, are you wondering about some good, practical goals to make as we go into this next season. Here are 10 great goals as adapted from Brad from Worship Links.

My Goals

1) Read the entire Bible

There is nothing better for your spiritual health than spending time in God’s Word, so make this a priority. There are tons of reading plans that make it easy to get into the Word on a daily basis and through the entire Bible in a year.

2) Learn a new song every month

Seek out songs from artists you’re not familiar with or styles you don’t play well and learn some of those songs. Memorize it. Stretching yourself with different styles is good for you musically, plus you just might find an awesome song to share with your congregation.

3) Make physical fitness a priority

Honor God with your body by taking care of it. As a bonus, getting fit will make you a better musician. This isn’t about vanity or putting on a better show – it’s about being healthy and taking care of God’s temple.

4) Write a worship song

It doesn’t have to be awesome. It doesn’t have to be something you share with your church. But write a song to God from your heart and see what happens. Maybe you’ll unleash some creativity you never knew you had.

5) Start raising up your replacement

You should always be raising up and investing in your replacement. If you look around and there’s no one who can step up to take your place, it’s up to you to find that person.

6) Take each member of your team to lunch or coffee

You can’t effectively lead a worship team without knowing them as people. Spend time getting to your team members and learning what makes each of them tick.

7) Build bridges between generations

This might mean doing some music you don’t like – and that’s okay, because it’s not about you anyway. Learn some great old hymns to reach out to the senior saints in your congregation. If you’re older, dig in and learn some new worship music to build a bridge to the younger generation. Be inclusive. Worship should never divide what the gospel unites.

8) Learn a new instrument

Learning a new instrument can help you look at music in a whole new way. This year, I’m planning to work on learning the ukulele and electric guitar.

9) Take a vacation

As worship leaders, we rarely get a break. When the Sunday service is over, it’s time to start planning the next one. Make sure you take a break and take some time away from ministry to rest. It may be for a week, or it may be just a weekend, but God built us to need rest, so honor that.

10) Pray regularly for your pastor, your elders, and your team

If you’re not praying for your pastor, your church leaders, and your team, then you’re not loving them as well as you should. Get to know them and pray for their needs. As an added bonus, when tensions run high (and they will), it’s hard to be angry with someone you’re fervently praying for.

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