Exploring the Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection

For those of you seeking evidence of Jesus’ resurrection, let me share with you the undeniable truths that have transformed my life and continue to inspire countless others around the world.

1. The Empty Tomb: Imagine standing before the tomb where Jesus was laid. The stone rolled away, the burial cloths left behind—undeniable evidence that something miraculous had occurred. The empty tomb is not just a historical fact but a tangible reminder of the power of the risen Saviour.

2. Post-Resurrection Appearances: Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead in secret; He revealed Himself to His followers in amazing appearances. He spoke with them, ate with them, and even invited them to touch His wounds. These encounters were not hallucinations or wishful thinking but real, tangible experiences of the living Christ.

3. Transformation of the Disciples: Witness the transformation of Jesus’ followers—from fearful and disillusioned to bold and unwavering in their faith. They went from hiding in fear to boldly proclaiming the good news of Jesus’ resurrection, even in the face of persecution and death. Such a radical change can only be explained by the reality of encountering the risen Jesus.

4. Early Christian Belief: The early Christians didn’t just believe in Jesus’ resurrection; they staked their lives on it. Their unwavering faith in the midst of adversity is a powerful testimony to the truth they experienced firsthand. The writings of the New Testament bear witness to their conviction and serve as a reliable historical record of Jesus’ resurrection.

5. Martyrdom of the Apostles: Consider the courage and conviction of the apostles who willingly faced persecution and death for their belief in Jesus’ resurrection. They could have renounced their faith to save their lives, but instead, they stood firm, testifying to the reality of the risen Christ even in the face of martyrdom.

6. Transformation of Saul (Paul): Saul, the persecutor of Christians, encountered the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus and was transformed into the passionate apostle Paul. His life bears witness to the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and the transformative power of encountering the living Christ.

7. Continuity of the Church: For two millennia, the Church has endured and thrived, spreading the message of Jesus’ resurrection to every corner of the globe. Despite opposition and persecution, the Church continues to grow, a living testimony to the reality of Jesus’ victory over death.

The evidence of Jesus’ resurrection is all around us, waiting to be embraced by those who seek the truth with an open mind and a willing heart.

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Can God Touch A Nation?

In February 2000, I left home for a week to lead worship for Charles Ndifon in Copenhagen, Denmark at ‘Kirken i Kulturcenteret’ (CPH Christian Center).

Charles had been in Denmark the year before and had ministered to a small college group in the Danish town of Ringkobing. At that same time, a Danish TV show was doing a series on spiritualism and when they heard that someone with a healing ministry was coming to Denmark, they wanted to do a test. They found a sick man named Roger. Roger had been in an accident and it had messed up his vision. The TV produces took Roger to a doctor’s and got an official report on him, which they recorded on camera.

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The TV show then took Roger to the meetings and asked Charles to pray for him. Charles told them to have Roger (who wasn’t a Christian) sit in the meeting and let God do what He would.

During the meeting Roger received Jesus as his Saviour. Later in the meeting when Charles was doing a general prayer for healing, Roger was miraculously healed and his vision totally restored. All of this was captured by the TV crew. From this, a TV show was produced that showed a bona fide miracle that was documented by a doctor and filmed by a secular TV crew. Wow!!

Before we arrived in Copenhagen, this TV show was shown to the nation of Denmark. The Danish people realized that God still heals people!

We had two meetings per day during that first week in Copenhagen. I vividly remember that first meeting. The church was filled to overflow with around 1800 people and when the invitation to receive Jesus in their life was given.. 80% of the people in the room put up their hands. I had never seen anything like that in my life! By the end of the week over 15,000 people indicated that they wanted to know Jesus. Double wow!!

Copenhagen, Denmark

When we left Denmark at the end of that week, the church there was in a bit of panic because over 4000 people had signed up for the Alpha program (a twelve week dinner program that introduced people to Christianity) and they had no idea how they would handle that many people. (That’s a good problem to have!)

After that, we were invited to come to Denmark many times each year for several years. The secular press estimated that over 75,000 people made decisions for Jesus in the next few years. (I believe there were many more!)

If you would like to read more about this amazing time, check out the book: The God Of Miracles by Henri Nissen. It is a book on many of the miracles we saw during those extraordinary times! I was blessed to have proofread it before it was published. The stories are amazing and true!

God can touch a nation

Check out my new book: “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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Learning To Lead

For the first ten of years of full time music ministry I was very content to be the guy who was behind the scenes. When I first started, I played in the band and later on I wrote the music and directed… but I wasn’t the front person. I was happy to just play my instrument, write the charts and direct the rehearsals.

Learning to lead worship

When I turned thirty, God opened the door for me to lead worship. I was glad that He had slowly prepared me for being up front. It takes a good level of experience and maturity to lead God’s people.

That was over 30 years ago and I’m still learning about leading God’s people in worship. I’m constantly reminded about having my heart in the right place. I’m reminded to do my homework and memorize the songs so I can get past the music and worship God.  

I’m reminded about having clean hands and a pure heart so that I don’t get in the way of what God wants to do. I like what Brandon Dempsey recently said “God is more interested in the sound of your heart, than the sound of your instrument or voice.”

I’m constantly reminded about what a privilege it is to lead people to God through music every service. I’m reminded not to just lead songs, but to lead people to God. God always needs to be the main focus. God’s presence is more important than our musical performance. 

I am still learning and God is such a patient teacher. My prayer is to be a learner all the days of my life. To sit at His feet daily, to listen and obey.

Check out my new book: “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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9 Reasons Why Music Is Important

Have you ever wondered why music is so inherent in our culture and in cultures around the world? Have you ever wondered why music is so important and can stir up all sorts of emotions and memories? Check out these points on the power and wonder of music.


1. Music Is A Science

It is exact, it is specific: it demands exact acoustics. A conductor’s full score is a chart, a graph which indicates frequencies, intensities, volume changes, melody and harmony all at once and with the most exact control of time. Recording studios and live concerts use computers to control the time, pitch and frequencies of music.

2. Music Is Mathematical

It is rhythmically based on the subdivision of time into fractions which must be done instantaneously, not worked out on paper. Chord progressions and scales are based on 5, 7 and 12 note scales and are often noted numerically. Professional Nashville musicians use a numbering system to perform music.

3. Music Is A Foreign Language

When people ask me if a speak a foreign language I tell them yes, I speak music. Music is a highly developed kind of shorthand that uses symbols to represent ideas. The semantics of music are the most complete and universal language. Music existed even before written language. Wherever I travel in the world, people relate to music.

4. Music Is Physical Education

Music requires fantastic coordination of fingers, hands, arms, lip, cheek and facial muscles. It also requires extraordinary control of the diaphragm, back and chest muscles which respond instantly to the sound the ear hears and the mind interprets. To perform music properly you have to be in good musical and physical shape.

5. Music Is Art

It allows a human being to take all these technical and difficult techniques and use them to create emotion. That is one thing science cannot duplicate: feeling and emotion. Music says things that cannot be said in words. We need music to say the things we cannot say any other way. If there is great joy, we need music. If there is great sadness, we need music. In fact, we need music whenever we have a great need to say something important.

6. Music Is A Source Of Healing

We now know through controlled treatment outcome studies that listening to and playing music is a potent treatment for mental health issues. Research demonstrates that adding music therapy to treatment improves symptoms and social functioning among schizophrenics. Further, music therapy has demonstrated efficacy as an independent treatment for reducing depression, anxiety and chronic pain.

7. Music Is Spiritual

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines spiritual as “relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”

“Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.” ~ Martin Luther

The largest book in the most spiritual of books, the Bible, is the book of Psalms. A collection of lyrics from 150 songs.

Did you know that God sings?

“For the Lord your God is living among you.
 He is a mighty Savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With His love, He will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” ~ Zephaniah 3:17

8. Music Teaches Teamwork

When you play in an orchestra or musical group of any size, you are learning great teamwork skills. Music teaches you to learn to balance sound levels and play in time as you listen to the other players. It teaches you to work together to achieve a common goal. And it teaches social skills as you hang out and associate with other musicians.

9. Music Improves Your Brain Function

Music is one of the few activities that involves using the whole brain. It is intrinsic to all cultures and has surprising benefits not only for learning language, improving memory and focusing attention, but also for physical coordination and development. Music brings joy, life, emotion and a spiritual connection that does not happen in any other way.

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Strong Worship Leaders: The 18 Things They Avoid

Strong worship leaders develop good attitudes and habits. They keep their heart, mind and spirit right before God and man. Check out these things that strong leaders don’t do, so you can grow and improve.

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1. They don’t miss out on a daily time with God

God is the reason for worship. He is the source of your success. Spending daily time with God, reading the word and in prayer, is the main key to being a strong worship leader.

2. They don’t pick songs that the congregation can’t sing and worship with

It your congregation is not singing, you are not doing what you are called to do. Are you picking songs that the congregation can learn quickly? Are you repeating the songs enough for your congregation to learn them? Are you picking great songs? (12 Keys To Picking Great Songs For Worship) Is your congregation just singing or are they worshiping with the songs? (Going From Song Leading to Worship Leading) Are you putting them in singable keys? (Finding the Right Key for Leading Worship Songs)

3. They don’t choose a worship list without praying about it

The Holy Spirit will bring songs to your mind that you might ordinarily miss. How does God want to be worshipped this Sunday? What does He want to say to His church?

4. They don’t think that success comes from anywhere but God

Humility is a main ingredient to God moving in your life and ministry. Humility proceeds honour. God is the one who promotes or demotes you. God is the One who gave you your musical talent. Make sure all the honour goes to Him. God resists the proud.

5. They don’t alienate the sound man or tech people

Sound men and tech people can make you or break you. They are usually some of the first people to arrive and the last to leave. A great tech team is worth their weight in gold. Make sure you treat them that way!

6. They don’t allow themselves to just sing songs without also worshiping God with their whole heart

It’s too easy to get caught up in making good music and forget the main thing. Worshiping God and loving Him with your whole heart, is the main thing. Make sure you practise enough so you can play and sing the music well and focus on worshiping God at the same time.

7. They don’t allow the band to be at the same level this year as last year

Developing and growing your team and yourself is one of the main responsibilities of a good leader. Learn to lead great rehearsals. Challenge yourself and the worship band to grow, learn and improve.

8. They don’t allow a rift to develop with the pastoral staff

Having a good relationship with your church leadership is paramount to a worship leaders success. Go out of your way to spend the time to have good relationships.

9. They don’t let the week go by without a personal private time of worship

If you honour God in private, He will honour you in public by showing up in special ways. Never allow your worship to be just a public thing. Your private worship is one of the most important ways for you to grow in your walk with the Lord.

10. They don’t allow the worship band to just play music and not worship

The modern worship band is a team. You are only as strong as your weakest link. You need everyone on stage to be a worshiper. It communicates so much to your congregation.

11. They don’t spend time feeling sorry for themselves when things don’t go perfectly

Mistakes will happen. Learn from your mistakes but don’t allow them to bring you or the team down. You need to get over negative attitudes and problems quickly. Remember what Paul said: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

12. They don’t blame the band or other people when there are problems

Good leaders take the main blame for problems. They realize that with a better rehearsal and preparation most problems can be avoided. Don’t play the blame game, take responsibility and do better next time.

13. They don’t worry about pleasing everyone

You will rarely please everyone. Do the best you can, make the best decisions you are capable of and move on. There will always be negative critics but good leaders also keep their ears open for good constructive criticism that will help them grow.

14. They don’t dwell on past mistakes and problems.

The devil loves to bring up your past mistakes and sins. Nobody is perfect, repent and let the past be in the past. Dwelling on your past mistakes can paralyze you. God wants you to forget the past and move on to the great things He has in store for you.

15. They don’t make the same mistakes over and over

You will learn more from your problems and mistakes than your successes. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Experience is one of the best teachers.

16. They don’t resent other people’s success

“Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep”. We are here to build God’s kingdom not our own. When another brother or sister in the kingdom does well, rejoice with them. Resentment is a negative emotion that God doesn’t honour.

17. They don’t give up after a failure

Never, ever, give up. God is on your side. Everyone fails sometime. Just get up, learn and keep on going! Never, ever, give up!

18. They don’t expect immediate results

Good congregations and worship bands are not built in a day. God’s normal way is for us to build little by little, day by day. If you and your team keep improving day by day and week by week, good things will happen.

Bonus: They don’t put themselves in compromising situations

Maintaining moral purity in ministry will make you or break you. Too many have fallen into the trap of developing unhealthy relationships. Rick Warren has a great list entitled “10 Commandments to Help Church Staff Maintain Moral Integrity“. We would be wise to follow his advice.

Question: What other things do strong worship leaders avoid?

Check out my new book.. “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

This blog is part of my vision to train over 100,000 worship leaders around the world. If you would like to support this vision you can help by giving any amount through PayPal.

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What I’ve Learned About Surrender

When I was 18 years old, I was in my second year of studying music at the University of British Columbia. I loved music but I was struggling with the demands of long practise times and studies and I reluctantly decided to quit university. I had lost my focus and purpose for studying music.


I wasn’t sure what I would do next, so I prayed and fasted and then started to apply for jobs that would work for my math skills. I applied for banking, accounting, brokerage and a host of other jobs. And much to my surprise, a number of places offered me a job. But, I never started the jobs because before I started one job, another better offer would come along.

A few weeks into this process, on a Wednesday night in November, a Christian band called Living Sound came and played at my church. That night, when their speaker Terry Law preached, I was challenged to surrender my whole life to God. God broke down my fears and reluctance to follow Him wholeheartedly and I responded to the message.

You have to understand that initially I was afraid of giving my whole life to God. I had an aunt who spent most of her single life in Africa and I didn’t want to be a single missionary. (The old song: “Lord, Please Don’t Send Me To Africa’ comes to mind) But when God speaks to you, suddenly your fears disappear. I have found that God usually asks me to come to a place of surrender to my own will and desires before He begins to use me in new ways.

So the next day I auditioned for Living Sound, and one day later, they asked if I would join their Team II in Seattle on the next Monday. I would need a passport and $1300 to help pay my airfare for 5 months travelling in Asia. I didn’t have a passport or $1300 but God made a way that weekend and by Monday I had the passport and finances in place.

For the next two and a half years, I travelled with Living Sound throughout Asia, North America, Europe, Poland, Southern Africa and Israel. We saw over 100,000 people come to the Lord all over the world. I also got to work with some of the top ministries of that time and learn hands-on ministry in real-life ministry situations. I never got to attend Bible school but I could not have asked for a better introduction to full-time ministry. When I finished touring with that ministry, I had regained my passion and purpose for music. Soon after that, I went back and finished my music degree in preparation for what God would do next.

This last November marked 50 years since I went into full-time music ministry. I have now travelled to over 70 countries and seen over 250,000 people make a decision for the Lord overseas and at home. Totally surrendering to God was the first step on my great adventure of following God.

Surrendering to God and following Him with your whole heart is exciting. Have you ever surrendered everything to God? Is God speaking to you about surrender? Passionately following and loving God is the most powerful way to live your life. God can do more with your life than you ever could imagine!

Check out my new book.. “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure” available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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Wired for Worship: Integrating Technology with Spiritual Purpose

In the contemporary landscape of worship, technology can play a pivotal role in facilitating seamless, impactful, and spiritually enriching experiences. As a worship leader or organizer within your church, integrating various apps and websites can streamline processes, enhance creativity, and elevate the overall worship atmosphere. Let’s take a quick look into how these technological tools can help your worship department:

  1. Planning Center Online: This comprehensive platform serves as the central hub for organizing every aspect of your worship services. From scheduling volunteers to planning song selections and coordinating media, Planning Center Online offers an intuitive interface that simplifies administrative tasks, allowing you to focus more on the spiritual aspect of worship.
  2. Multitracks, Chart Pro and Playback: These resources provide access to high-quality, customizable backing tracks, charts and accompaniments, enabling worship teams to achieve professional-level sound regardless of their size or resources. With the ability to adjust tempo, key, and instrumentation, worship leaders can tailor the music to suit the congregation’s preferences and create dynamic worship experiences.
  3. SongSelect and PraiseCharts: These platforms offer vast libraries of licensed sheet music, chord charts, and lyrics for thousands of songs across various genres. Whether you’re searching for traditional hymns or contemporary worship songs, SongSelect and PraiseCharts provide valuable resources for selecting and arranging music that resonates with your congregation.
  4. ProPresenter: As a leading software solution for multimedia presentations, ProPresenter empowers worship teams to display lyrics, scriptures, videos, and graphics with seamless transitions and professional polish. Its versatility and user-friendly interface make it an essential tool for creating visually engaging worship experiences that capture the congregation’s attention and enhance their engagement.
  5. forScore: This digital sheet music app allows musicians to access and annotate sheet music directly on their tablets or smartphones, eliminating the need for bulky paper scores and page-turning distractions. With features like setlists, annotation tools, and Bluetooth page-turner compatibility, forScore streamlines music preparation and performance for instrumentalists.

By harnessing the power of these technological tools, worship leaders can unlock new levels of creativity, efficiency, and excellence in their ministry. However, it’s essential to remember that technology should always serve as a means to an end rather than the end itself. While these tools can enhance the worship experience, the heart of worship remains rooted in authentic expression, reverence, and connection with God and the congregation.

As you incorporate technology into your worship department, strive to maintain a balance between innovation and tradition, ensuring that every technological enhancement aligns with the overarching goal of facilitating genuine encounters with the LORD.

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The Key to True Knowledge

A discerning individual should consistently strive to distinguish between timeless, profound knowledge and transient, insignificant information. 

Solomon’s assertion, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge,” encapsulates a core principle of wisdom delineated in the Bible. Here, “fear” extends beyond mere dread to encompass reverence, awe, and respect for the LORD. Let’s look into the significance of Solomon’s profound statement:

1. Reverence for God: Acknowledging God’s sovereignty, power, and authority over all things instills profound reverence. This reverence forms the bedrock of wisdom by recognizing that God’s ways transcend human comprehension.

   Isaiah 55:8-9: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

2. Submission to God’s Will: Fear of the Lord entails surrendering one’s will to God’s divine plan. It signifies an understanding that God’s wisdom surpasses human understanding and that His plans are ultimately for the best, even when they exceed human understanding.

   Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make direct your paths.”

3. Seek Guidance and Instruction: Those who fear the Lord earnestly seek His guidance and instruction in all facets of life. This pursuit leads to acquiring knowledge and wisdom rooted in God’s Word and principles.

   Proverbs 2:6-7: “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.”

4. Foundation of Morality and Ethics: The fear of the Lord serves as a moral compass, guiding individuals to make righteous choices and live according to God’s standards of justice, love, and compassion.

   Proverbs 14:27: “The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.”

5. Humility: Recognizing God’s greatness naturally fosters humility. Understanding that God is infinitely wise and powerful humbles individuals, enabling them to approach life with a teachable spirit and openness to learning.

   James 4:10 (NIV): “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

So, what is the ‘Key to true knowledge’? Solomon’s proclamation underscores that genuine knowledge, wisdom, and understanding originate from a reverent and humble acknowledgment of God’s greatness, coupled with a willingness to align one’s life with His principles and purposes.

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The Toughest Day

A number of years back, I learned that a friend that I had travelled with 40 years ago in Asia, was doing a 3 month bike trip from the Arctic Ocean down to Montana. When I found out that Thomas Hall would ride through the Lake Louise area, I decided to join him for a couple of days of bicycling.

Mark & Tom

On the second day of our trip, Tom and I started at the Columbia Icefields Campground with a 5 AM wake-up in the dark. We had a quick breakfast (hot water on instant porridge), packed up the tents and gear, and were on our bicycles by 6:30 AM… just as the sun was coming up. The views were spectacular.. this is considered by many to be the most scenic road in North America. The mountains, glaciers and rivers are unbelievably gorgeous.

Columbia Icefields to Lake Louise

There was nobody on the road so we boogied down the mountainside highway with speeds up to 60 km/hr….(the fastest that I had ever gone on a bike). After doing a quick 30 miles/50 km….we had an early lunch at Saskatchewan Crossing… spicy chili.. that later gave me the runs… (that’s another story)

Then we started the long steady climb (2500 ft/759 m elevation over 26 miles/42 km) back up to the Bow Summit. Then it started to rain.. and rain.. and rain. That was the toughest climb of my life. Over the last few kilometers I had to stop a few times to get my heart beat down and give my legs a break… it was challenging and miserable at the same time… but I loved it.

Tom and I got separated because his recumbent bike and packs are quite heavy and a lot slower on the hills. Somehow we missed each other at Num-Ti-Jah Lodge at Bow Lake and I later got a note from a passing motorist that Tom was on his way to Lake Louise.

Bow Lake

So I boogied down the road and finally caught up with Tom at the Husky Restaurant there. The total distance for the day was 82 miles/132 km.. the longest distance that I have ever ridden.

The Lake Louise Hi-Hostel was fully booked when we phoned but they did find a place for us when we showed up at the door.. so we didn’t have to tent on a wet evening.. we got a comfortable warm room that we shared with 3 very nice people… a great end to a very long day.

What a great, challenging, wet and very memorable day… loved it.

Note from Tom: Thanks, Mark, for your presence and companionship during our brief travels. Have you ever sailed down the backside of a mountain at sixty kilometers per hour while your biking companion was playing on his saxophone, “We Will, We Will Rock You” right behind you?

Mark: Check out my new book: “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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What I’ve Learned About Fixing Small Problems

Have you ever gone on a great trip and then encountered a problem that almost wrecked all your best plans? Ten years ago, I did a 3 day, 320 km bicycle ride from Jasper, Alberta to Canmore, Alberta. What a great ride! The first day Thomas Hall and I rode over 120 km from Jasper to the Columbia Icefields. This highway is spectacular; the mountains, rivers, forests and scenery are unbelievably gorgeous.


I had never done a ride of this length before, so I was little worried that I had all the necessary gear for any problems that I might encounter. Overall, my bike worked great, but the first day I did have a problem that plagues many bicyclists. I had a flat tire.

I had brought along two extra inner tubes, so I promptly took off the old inner tube, replaced it and used a CO2 cartridge to inflate my thin racing tire. Unfortunately, I didn’t take the time to find out why I had gotten the flat in the first place… and within the hour my tire went flat again.

I eventually discovered a very small piece of wire embedded in my tire. A small problem that made my first day of bicycling very uncomfortable. I spent the last 50 kilometres of that first day hand pumping up my tire every 5 km. Such a hassle!

Small problems can sometimes can plague our lives: Overspending, overeating, wasting time, being impatient, laziness, being disorganized, losing our temper, fear, unnecessary guilt… and the list goes on. And often we don’t take the necessary steps to fix our problems so they consistently become a thorn in our flesh. They keep us from living our lives as successfully as we could.

What small problems has God been speaking to you about lately? Are you listening? What small area in your life can you still improve on? Often, if we don’t deal with the small problems, they can make our life quite uncomfortable. They can keep us from ‘God’s best’ in our lives.

My desire is to learn to overcome every small problem area in my life. To live a full, abundant life that accomplishes everything that God wants me to accomplish. Paul said it this way:

I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT)

So my advice is, address those little issues that God is speaking to you about. Deal with them and take whatever steps you need to overcome those problems. Life is too short to allow those little things to steal your joy! Life is too short to not fix those problem areas that are keeping us from living our best life now!

Prayer: Dear God, I thank you that you care about all the details of my life! Lord, please help me to overcome any obstacles and problems that I still need to deal with. Create in my a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me. Help me to live my life with joy and abundance. I know with your help, I can overcome any problem. I thank You, Lord, that you are helping me daily. I know that You are with me always. My hope is in You.

Check out my new book: “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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