How Do You Develop A Strong Relationship With God?

God loves you and desires a deep and intimate relationship with you. Loving the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is both an invitation and a commandment from God. The Bible provides valuable guidance on how to nurture and strengthen this relationship, helping us grow closer to Him. Here are essential principles from God’s Word that illuminate the path towards a deeper connection with Him.

1, Accepting Jesus as Savior: The foundation of a love relationship with God begins with accepting Jesus as our Savior. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Through faith in Jesus and His redemptive work on the cross, we receive forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God, paving the way for a deepening relationship.

2. Cultivating intimacy through prayer: Prayer is a vital means of communication and communion with God. Through prayer, we express our love, gratitude, and desires to Him, while also listening for His guidance and direction. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, and He modeled a life of fervent prayer, showing us the importance of connecting with God in this way (Matthew 6:9-13).

3. Studying and meditating on God’s Word: The Bible is God’s revealed Word and the primary source of knowledge about Him. By studying and meditating on Scripture, we come to know God’s character, His promises, and His will for our lives. Jesus Himself is the living Word (John 1:1, 14), and the Scriptures testify about Him. As we grow in understanding through God’s Word, our love for Him deepens.

4. Developing a life of obedience: Jesus said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Obedience to God’s commands is an expression of our love for Him. As we seek to align our lives with His teachings and live in obedience to His Word, our love for Him grows stronger. Jesus, through His life and teachings, exemplified perfect obedience to the Father, providing an example for us to follow.

5. Depending on the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to send as a helper and guide, plays a significant role in our relationship with God. The Spirit dwells within believers, empowering, guiding, and transforming them. By depending on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and allowing Him to work in us, our love for God deepens, and we become more like Christ (Galatians 5:22-23).

6. Engaging in worship and praise: Worship is a powerful means of expressing love and adoration to God. As we worship and praise Him, our hearts are drawn closer to Him. Jesus emphasized the importance of worshiping God in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). Through worship, we enter into His presence, experience His love, and cultivate a deeper love for Him.

7. Seeking fellowship with other believers: Being part of a community of believers provides support, encouragement, and accountability in our journey of faith. Gathering with fellow believers, participating in worship, fellowship, and discipleship activities, strengthens our love for God and helps us grow in our relationship with Him (Hebrews 10:24-25).

8. Practicing love for others: Jesus emphasized the connection between loving God and loving others. He said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). By demonstrating love, forgiveness, kindness, and compassion to others, we reflect God’s love and deepen our love relationship with Him.

Remember, building a strong love relationship with God is a lifelong journey that requires unwavering commitment and a heartfelt desire to draw closer to Him. Developing a strong relationship with God involves accepting Jesus as our Savior, genuinely repenting of our sins, diligently studying the Scriptures, engaging in heartfelt prayer, loving your neighbour, depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and faithfully obeying God’s commands.

Embrace this journey with a loving, steadfast resolve, knowing that as you invest in your relationship with God, you will experience His love, favor, grace, and transformative power in your life.

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A Worship Leader’s Job Description and Pay

I recently received an email from a pastor who asked me (Jamie Brown) this question:

I need some general insight as we start looking for a worship leader for our church plant. What price range should I ask for from my finance/leadership team as I seek to hire a worship leader? Assuming less than 5 years experience leading in a church… If the person is full time? What range of salary is the norm starting out? What if he is part time? And if you only had one service per week – and an odd evening event (Good Friday; Christmas Eve) – how many hours a week would you need if it is part time? 15 hours? 20 hours? 25 hours? Thanks.

Here’s the best way I know how to lay something like this out. Listed in order of priority:

– Weekend worship leading: 3 hours for 1 Sunday service. 5 hours for 2 services. Additional 2 hours per service.– Rehearsal leading: 3 hours.

Stopping here, you have a 6 – 10 hour worship leader. You can pay this person a weekly stipend of somewhere in the range of $250-$400 (this is based on average Alberta, Canada rates – you can ask Google for the average wage in your area).

– Basic administrative duties: ProPresenter presentations (1 hour), service outlines (1 hour), chord charts (2 hour), making copies (1 hour), scheduling worship team members (1 hour), equipment set up (1 hour), emails /phone calls (2 hours).

Now your worship leader is 15-20 hours a week and you’re looking at paying him hourly. $35-$40 per hour. He’s leading songs and doing some admin.

– Ministry development: Recruit, audition musicians. Have monthly worship team gatherings. Spend time listening to new music. Read up on theology, music/worship theology and goings-on, etc. This can all average out to 5 hours a week.

Now your worship leader is 25 hours a week and you can still pay him hourly but you’ll probably have to throw in benefits.

The next steps take your worship leader closer to full-time and needing a salary.

– 5 hours: worship service planning. He’s reading the passages, reading your transcript, taking time to intentionally pray and mull over what songs are going to feed people most effectively and help them respond to God’s word and presence. This might not take this long some weeks. It might take more other weeks. A more full-time worship leader has the “luxury” of devoting more time to getting the set-list “right” – not just pick from a bank of songs.

– 5 hours: participate in weekly staff/pastoral/service debrief/service planning meetings.

– 5 hours: Music-centric work such as arranging, writing, practicing, recording, using the art-area of his brain. This will keep him sane, keep things creative, and benefit your gatherings.

– 5 hours: Ministry-centric work such as preparing teachings for worship team, meeting with worship team members for lunch/coffee, long-term planning and calendar management, and working in whatever area he is skilled in (this depends on the person and his passion).

– Misc. hours: Other administrative and time-eating exercises such as: more emails, finance/budget management, overseeing the AV aspects, managing liturgical aspects, special services, assignments given by the pastor, etc.

With less than 5 years worship leading experience, this person should expect to be paid $45,000 – $55,000, depending on the area of the country, church size, his gifting level, experience, musical skill, education, etc. If he’s good, and if the church starts growing, and he has any sort of family, that will need to get close to $60,000 – 75,000 really quickly, again, hugely depending on the median income of where the church is located, eventually going over.

By Jamie Brown

The original blog is here.

Updated and revised for Canadian ministry by Mark Cole

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Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Prayer

Effective prayer isn’t merely a routine or ritual; it’s a profound connection with the LORD that has the power to transform lives and circumstances. By studying the prayer lives of Jesus and other influential men of prayer in the Bible, we can uncover timeless principles that unlock the secrets of effective communication with God. Let’s explore seven key lessons that emerge from their examples.

1. Priority of Prayer: Jesus consistently made time for prayer, often withdrawing to solitary places to commune with God (Luke 5:16). Similarly, great prayer warriors like Daniel (Daniel 6:10) and David (Psalm 55:17) prioritized prayer in their lives, showing that intimate communication with God should be a top priority.

2. Dependence on God: Jesus’ dependence on the Father through prayer is evident throughout His life, especially during moments of decision-making and distress, such as in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46). Likewise, men like Elijah (1 Kings 18:36-37) and Paul (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) demonstrated reliance on God’s strength through prayer in challenging circumstances.

3. Persistence in Prayer: Jesus encouraged persistence in prayer, teaching His disciples to keep asking, seeking, and knocking (Luke 11:5-13). Men like Abraham (Genesis 18:22-33) and the Jesus’ parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8) exemplified this persistence in their prayers, showing that consistent and fervent prayer can yield results.

4. Submission to God’s Will: Jesus’ prayers consistently reflected submission to the Father’s will, even when facing suffering and death (Matthew 26:39). Similarly, men like Moses (Numbers 11:11-15) and Paul (Romans 9:1-3) expressed willingness to align their desires with God’s purposes through prayer.

5. Confidence in God’s Faithfulness: Jesus prayed with confidence in God’s faithfulness and provision (Matthew 6:9-13). Men of prayer, such as young King Solomon (1 Kings 8:22-61) and Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:5-11), also demonstrated unwavering trust in God’s promises and faithfulness through their prayers.

6. Intercession for Others: Jesus often interceded for others in His prayers, such as praying for His disciples (John 17:6-26). Likewise, intercessors like Moses (Exodus 32:11-14) and Job (Job 42:7-10) pleaded with God on behalf of others, teaching Christians the importance of praying for one another.

7. Thanksgiving and Praise: Jesus frequently offered thanksgiving and praise to God in His prayers (Matthew 11:25-26). Similarly, men like David (Psalm 103) and Paul (Philippians 4:6-7) emphasized the importance of gratitude and praise in prayer, reminding believers to approach God with hearts full of thanksgiving.

When we look at the prayer lives of Jesus and other godly men of prayer in the Bible, believers can learn valuable lessons on intimacy with the LORD, reliance on His strength, submission to His will, and the power of prayer in both personal and communal life.

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10 Blessings of Following God

In a world filled with uncertainties, following God provides a steadfast anchor, bringing blessings that enrich our lives in profound ways. As a Christian and follower of Jesus, the journey of faith is marked by numerous blessings that extend beyond the tangible and reach into the depths of our souls. Let’s explore 10 blessings of following God.

  1. Peace Beyond Understanding (Philippians 4:7):
    The peace that comes from following God surpasses all understanding. In the midst of life’s storms, God’s peace guards our hearts and minds, providing a serene refuge that transcends earthly troubles.
  2. Guidance in Every Step (Proverbs 3:5-6):
    Trusting in the Lord with all our hearts and leaning not on our understanding opens the door to divine guidance. God directs our paths, leading us with wisdom and clarity through life’s intricate journey.
  3. Unconditional Love (Romans 8:38-39):
    The love of God knows no bounds. Following Him assures us of an unwavering, unconditional love that transcends our flaws and shortcomings, fostering a sense of security and belonging.
  4. Strength in Weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9):
    Acknowledging our weaknesses becomes a gateway for God’s strength to manifest. In times of struggle, His grace sustains us, empowering us to overcome challenges that may seem insurmountable.
  5. Purpose and Fulfillment (Jeremiah 29:11):
    Following God unveils a divine purpose for our lives. His plans are to prosper and not to harm, offering a future filled with hope and fulfillment as we align our lives with His greater design.
  6. Godly Joy (1 Peter 1:8):
    The joy that comes from following God goes beyond mere happiness; it is a deep-seated, enduring joy that persists even in the face of adversity. It is a joy rooted in the assurance of God’s eternal promises.
  7. Forgiveness and Redemption (Ephesians 1:7):
    Through following God, we experience the transformative power of forgiveness and redemption. His grace abounds, washing away our sins and granting us a fresh start in our journey of faith.
  8. Community and Fellowship (Hebrews 10:24-25):
    Following God connects us with a community of believers, fostering fellowship and support. Together, we encourage one another to love and good deeds, creating a strong foundation for spiritual growth.
  9. Abundant Provision (Philippians 4:19):
    God’s promise to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory assures us of His abundant provision. Following Him with trust opens the floodgates of divine supply in every aspect of our lives.
  10. Eternal Life (John 3:16):
    The ultimate blessing of following God is the assurance of eternal life. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we receive the gift of salvation, securing a place in God’s eternal kingdom.

Following God is a journey marked by abundant blessings that encompass every aspect of our lives. As we immerse ourselves in the richness of His love, guidance, and promises, we discover a profound sense of purpose and joy that transcends the temporal challenges of this world. May these blessings be a source of encouragement and inspiration as we continue to walk in faith, following God with our whole hearts.

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The 10 Commandments of Great Worship Team Members

Sometimes I lead the worship band and sometimes I play in the band. Both are important roles and have specific responsibilities to do them well. As both a leader and a player/singer, here are my ten most important rules as a team member:

10 commandments

1. I will be available at least twice per month and answer worship department emails/texts within 24 hours 

  • I find that players need to play a minimum of twice per month to stay in the flow of the worship and maintain good relationships with the leader(s) and team members.
  • As someone who has scheduled worship teams for years, prompt replies by the team members is greatly appreciated. Also, it is a good habit to be prompt in all your communication. It is a form of discipline and respect.

2. I will listen to, practise and memorize the songs for Sunday

  • Most musicians learn by listening. I always spend the .99 cents to $1.29 to download the songs on iTunes and make a playlist to listen in my house and car. Listening will teach you things that charts never will. I also use the app and media player for my phone
  • I will take time to practice the new songs for the team and briefly review the older songs. I want to be excellent in my service to the Lord. Wether I get paid or not, I’m playing for the ‘King of kings’. God rewards faithfulness and excellence.
  • I will play according to the style of the music that is driven by the church’s vision/mission instead of simply imposing my personal tastes into the music. 
  • I will memorize the music. Memorizing songs allows me to get past the music and worship God freely. Most worship songs are not hard to memorize. Here is my post on helping you to memorize.

3. I will show up prepared and on time for rehearsal

  • Leaders and other team members really appreciate when all the team has done their homework. When the drummer and bass player know the grooves, tempos and breaks, it makes the rehearsal go so much smoother. When the lead guitar and keyboard players have learned the introductions and lead lines, it saves so much time for the rest of the group.
  • I will bring a pencil to highlight problem parts, changes and incorrect charts.
  • When team members all show up on time, it shows respect and value for the whole team. It promotes unity and makes the rehearsals go much smoother.

4. I will show respect and love for my fellow team members and leader

  • The second greatest commandment is to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’. When team members show love and respect for each other, rehearsals, worship and life in general is much better.
  • If team members get direction that they don’t like. It’s important that they don’t take it personally, agree to disagree and submit – just like professionals do in the studio.
  • Being a leader can be tough. When you give respect and are patient with your leader, God sees and rewards that attitude and heart.

5. I will not noodle on my instrument when the leader is speaking

  • Having great rehearsal habits is important. The time to practise your individual part is when you are on your own.
  • You show respect for the leader and the rest of the team when you learn to listen at the appropriate times.

6. I will worship as I play my instrument and endeavour to be a great worshipper on and off the stage

  • The purpose of a worship band is to worship God and lead the congregation to do the same. If you are just playing or singing then you are not fulfilling your responsibilities. Get past the music and worship God and lead by example.
  • A sign that you are an authentic worshipper is that you are the same on and off the stage. People see you on and off the stage. Be authentic!

7. I will attend church and give whether I am playing or not

  • Great team worship team members know the importance of regular church attendance. We all need to be great congregational members before we can become great worship team members.
  • Supporting your local church means more than playing your instrument and/or singing. Giving of your time and finances really shows where your heart is.

8. I will practice my singing and/or instrument regularly

  • Great worship team members are better this year then they were last year.
  • Great team members work on growing by practicing regularly, taking lessons and watching and learning from great worship videos.

9. I will wear the appropriate clothes for the dress code

  • I never want my clothes to be a distraction to our worship times.
  • My general advice is to develop a dress code that is modest and culturally relevant to your congregation.

10. I will grow in my love for the Lord and live a godly lifestyle

  • This is the last commandment but it is the most important. Loving God with your whole heart and life is the core of worship.
  • Living a life that is pleasing to God opens up the door for God’s blessing on your life. Don’t allow sin to ruin that. Repent and get back on track!
  • Great worship team members are more than volunteers. They are serving in worship ministry because of the calling and gifting of God in their lives.

Question: What points have I missed? Are you a great worship team member? What areas can you improve on?

Check out my new book.. “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

This blog is part of my vision to train over 100,000 worship leaders around the world. If you would like to support this vision you can help by giving any amount through this account on PayPal.

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10 Practical Goals For All Worship Leaders

As a worship leader, are you wondering about some good, practical goals to make as we go into this next season. Here are 10 great goals as adapted from Brad from Worship Links.

My Goals

1) Read the entire Bible

There is nothing better for your spiritual health than spending time in God’s Word, so make this a priority. There are tons of reading plans that make it easy to get into the Word on a daily basis and through the entire Bible in a year.

2) Learn a new song every month

Seek out songs from artists you’re not familiar with or styles you don’t play well and learn some of those songs. Memorize it. Stretching yourself with different styles is good for you musically, plus you just might find an awesome song to share with your congregation.

3) Make physical fitness a priority

Honor God with your body by taking care of it. As a bonus, getting fit will make you a better musician. This isn’t about vanity or putting on a better show – it’s about being healthy and taking care of God’s temple.

4) Write a worship song

It doesn’t have to be awesome. It doesn’t have to be something you share with your church. But write a song to God from your heart and see what happens. Maybe you’ll unleash some creativity you never knew you had.

5) Start raising up your replacement

You should always be raising up and investing in your replacement. If you look around and there’s no one who can step up to take your place, it’s up to you to find that person.

6) Take each member of your team to lunch or coffee

You can’t effectively lead a worship team without knowing them as people. Spend time getting to your team members and learning what makes each of them tick.

7) Build bridges between generations

This might mean doing some music you don’t like – and that’s okay, because it’s not about you anyway. Learn some great old hymns to reach out to the senior saints in your congregation. If you’re older, dig in and learn some new worship music to build a bridge to the younger generation. Be inclusive. Worship should never divide what the gospel unites.

8) Learn a new instrument

Learning a new instrument can help you look at music in a whole new way. This year, I’m planning to work on learning the ukulele and electric guitar.

9) Take a vacation

As worship leaders, we rarely get a break. When the Sunday service is over, it’s time to start planning the next one. Make sure you take a break and take some time away from ministry to rest. It may be for a week, or it may be just a weekend, but God built us to need rest, so honor that.

10) Pray regularly for your pastor, your elders, and your team

If you’re not praying for your pastor, your church leaders, and your team, then you’re not loving them as well as you should. Get to know them and pray for their needs. As an added bonus, when tensions run high (and they will), it’s hard to be angry with someone you’re fervently praying for.

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8 Keys To ‘Next Level’ Sunday Worship

I love leading God’s people in worship. I have been blessed to have led church worship teams at home and around the world for over thirty years. Here are a few things that I have learned along the way.


1. For Next Level Worship, Pick Great Songs

Picking great songs for your congregation and worship band is one of the most important tasks of a worship leader. Great songs have a sense of God’s Spirit on them. Great worship songs make you want to sing them again and again. Great songs cause your spirit to rise in worship to the Lord. (see my Top Songs List)

Check out my blog on “12 Keys To Picking Great Songs For Worship“. Here are the main points from that blog:

    • Learn to pick great songs not just doable songs.
    • One of the tests of a great song is that you catch yourself singing it by yourself.
    • Great songs have the Spirit of God resting on them.
    • Pick great songs from around the world… not just your favourite band.
    • CCLI Top 200 SongSelect List is an invaluable list to choose from.
    • Find out who the top writers are and listen and learn from them.
    • Keep a balanced repertoire: You need fast, medium and slow tunes.
    • Repeat the new songs: I always do new songs three times in the first month.
    • Should you do your original song? Is your song a good-to-great song?
    • Does the song work with just a simple acoustic guitar or piano?
  • Generally speaking, it’s not a good idea to start or end with a new song.

2. For Next Level Worship, Put Great Songs in a Great Order

I have found that congregation’s often rush to church, just trying to get there on time and are often unfocused on God. One of my jobs is to pick great songs that help get them focused on God as soon as possible. That usually works best by finding an uptempo worship tune that is easy to sing and gets them engaged as soon as possible.

I usually have 20 minutes to do worship on a Sunday morning service, so for my team, that means 4 songs. My general rule of thumb is to do two uptempo songs.. often more praise orientated… and often the second song is slightly faster than the first one. Then I do a strong median tempo transition song and then end with a powerful worship song that is sung directly to God.

This general guideline helps the congregation go from focusing and singing about God to worshipping God directly. It is not meant to be a formula but an overriding time proven way, to help achieve the goal of getting the congregation to focus their hearts and worship on God.

3. For Next Level Worship, Have Great Rehearsals

I give the musicians and singers detailed charts and recordings (through Planning Center or Dropbox) and ask them to come prepared to the mid-week rehearsal. The goal is to get so proficient at doing the music that you do not have to think about the music during the live worship time. You need to get past just performing music to focusing on and worshipping God!

My normal practise is to have a strong, 1:15 to 2 hour midweek rehearsal (Thursday night is my favourite) and then a 30-45 minute rehearsal on Sunday morning. These rehearsal times gives everyone time to learn the music properly, memorize it, and work out any problem areas. (Check out my blog: 10 Tips On Improving Your Worship Band Rehearsal)

4. For Next Level Worship, Work on Great Sound & Media

A good soundman can make or break you! There is no use having great songs and rehearsals if the sound mix is not working for the congregation. I have learned that putting the drums in a full cage generally helps gets the best overall mix. Also, putting baffles around guitar amps (or better ~ putting the amps offstage in sound-proof rooms) and putting the band on in-ear-monitors really helps the soundman. I also try to take a Sunday off the stage to listen to the front-of-house mix.

In the same way, having a media person who is on top of the projected lyrics is huge. I work on putting the lyrics in the exact order that we will sing them. Also…beside having the lyric screen(s) up front for the congregation, I also have a large screen at the back of the auditorium for the singers to see the lyrics… Right now I’m working on automating the lyrics with the Multitracks app ‘Playback’.

If you can have the soundman giving you a great mix and the media operator giving the lyrics at the right time. You have a strong sound and visual foundation on which to work off!

5. For Next Level Worship, Put God First

Worshipping God is a daily lifestyle. If you are just worshipping God on Sunday morning, you are living a sub par Christian lifestyle. Sunday mornings should just be the tip of the iceberg! If you honour God daily by reading His word, praying, worshipping and spending time with Him; He will honour you by showing up Sunday morning in your corporate worship times! (see: The Secret…)

We can work hard and with God’s help, put together a group of musicians and a set list . But only God can take it to the next level and touch people’s hearts and heal their bodies and minds! Put God first in your daily life and He will show up in powerful ways in your Sunday morning corporate worship! (Check out: Three Ways To Put God First In Your Life)

Also, put God first in your actual worship time. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the music, transitions and the mechanics of leading and playing that we don’t focus on the main thing: God! God is why we come together, God is why we sing great songs and worship. God is the reason. Don’t allow the distractions of live music get in the way of worshipping God with all your heart and leading your congregation to do the same! (check out: Leading Worship: ‘Where Is Your Brain On Sunday Morning?)

6. For Next Level Worship, Memorize Your Music

There are few things worse than seeing a worship leader and team whose eyes are glued to the music. When you memorize the music, you can communicate better with the congregation and with God! To get past the music, you need to memorize it and know it so well that you do not have to think about it! Great teams and leaders memorize the music so that they can worship freely!

(Check out my blog: ‘9 Keys To Memorizing Music For Worship‘)

7. For Next Level Worship, Worship God With All Your Heart

The first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. This includes worshipping God with your actions. The actions of Biblical worship include singing, clapping, raising our hands, dancing, bowing and shouting. We serve an awesome God who created every good thing that we enjoy. He is worthy of passionate worship.

Never let yourself just go through the motions of just singing a song. Be a passionate worshipper who loves and worships God with all you have. Learn to incorporate all the actions of worship into your personal and corporate worship!

8. For Next Level Worship, Be A Great Example To Your Congregation

I have found that congregations tend to mirror the passion of the worship team. If the people up front are full of passion and energy for worshipping God, the congregation tends to lift their worship to a higher level.

We have the opportunity to be passionate examples of worshippers to our congregation. If they see you and the team worshipping God with your whole heart soul, mind and strength on a weekly basis, they will grow in their passion for worship.

If you lead, they will follow. It sometimes does not happen immediately, but that is what worship leadership is about. A big part of leadership is helping people grow in their passion and worship of God. Learn to be a passionate worshipper of God, on and off the stage. Be authentic and do not lose your passion for loving and worshiping God with all your heart! (for more on this, check out my blogs: “Actions Speak So Loud” & “Attitude Is Everything)

Question: What things have you done that have helped your congregation grow in your corporate worship times?

Check out my new book.. “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

This blog is part of my vision to train over 100,000 worship leaders around the world. If you would like to support this vision you can help by giving any amount via PayPal.

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Seven Blessings of Giving

In a world often characterized by self-preservation and accumulation, the act of giving stands out as a powerful and transformative practice. Let’s spend a few moments to look into seven blessings of giving that extend beyond the material realm.

1. Joy and Fulfillment (Acts 20:35):

   The Bible declares, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Embracing a generous spirit brings a profound sense of joy and fulfillment. Giving allows us to participate in something greater than ourselves, fostering a sense of purpose and satisfaction that material possessions alone cannot provide.

2. Prosperity (Proverbs 11:25):

   Proverbs 11:25 tells us that a generous person will prosper. While this prosperity extends beyond financial gain, there’s a beautiful reciprocity that happens when we give with a genuine heart. Blessings often flow back to those who give freely, whether in relationships, opportunities, or unexpected moments of grace.

3. Spiritual Growth (2 Corinthians 9:6-7):

   The Apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7, encourages cheerful giving, emphasizing that God loves a cheerful giver. Giving not only benefits the receiver but also fosters spiritual growth in the giver. It nurtures qualities like compassion, empathy, and humility, creating a deeper connection with the Creator of the Universe.

4. Protection and Provision (Malachi 3:10):

   Malachi 3:10 speaks of the principle of tithing, where God promises to open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings when we bring our tithes and offerings. This includes protection and provision in various aspects of our lives. Trusting in God’s provision through giving strengthens our faith and reliance on Him.

5. Multiplication of Blessings (Luke 6:38):

   In Luke 6:38, Jesus teaches about the principle of giving and receiving. He says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.” The act of giving sets in motion a cycle of blessings, where the more we give, the more we receive in abundance.

6. Eternal Rewards (Matthew 6:19-21):

   Matthew 6:19-21 encourages believers to store up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. The act of giving with an eternal perspective leads to rewards beyond the temporal. Investing in the well-being of others and furthering God’s kingdom carries eternal significance and lasting impact.

7. Heart Transformation (Mark 12:41-44):

   In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus commends the widow who gave all she had. This narrative highlights the transformative power of sacrificial giving. When we give from the heart, even in our perceived inadequacy, it leads to a profound transformation within us, shaping our character to reflect the love and generosity of Christ.

The act of giving brings about a myriad of blessings that go beyond material wealth. From joy and fulfillment to spiritual growth and eternal rewards, embracing a generous spirit aligns us with the God’s divine purpose of love and selflessness. As we navigate the journey of life, may the blessings of giving guide us toward a more meaningful and purpose-driven existence.

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Seven Habits Of Healthy Worship Leaders

I recently celebrated 50 years since I started into full-time music ministry. There have been some incredible highs and a few lows along the way. But, I have always been amazed at the faithfulness of God. Here are a few things that I have learned about staying healthy while working in ministry and raising a family.

Here are a few things that I have learned about staying healthy while working in ministry and raising a family.

1. Spend time with God daily
God is the source of all good things. So it certainly makes sense to spend time with God daily. One of the best habits that I have developed is opening my Bible early every morning and spending time getting to know God through His Word and prayer. It helps me keep my eyes on the Lord through the good time and bad times. God’s word had taught me about wisdom, faith, love, relationships, integrity, forgiveness, leadership and a host of other invaluable life lessons. I could not have survived without it.

2. Family & Friends
The Lord has blessed me with great family and friends. I have wonderful parents, grandparents and in-laws. And, I have a godly wife who has been an awesome support throughout our journey. When you have a peaceful, loving, healthy home, you have a great place to retreat to if the fireworks go off! Family is so important! Good friends are important! Invest in your wife, children, extended family and friends. It pays great dividends! You may change churches but you always keep the same family.

3. Work on improving daily
None of us starts with all the gifts and talents we need. Great mentors, education, seminars, books, positive feedback and daily discipline are all part of what it takes to stay on a journey of improvement. Never stop growing. If you don’t keep growing, chances are, you won’t last long. In the parable of the talents, the person who didn’t double his talents got the boot!

4. Forgive
Hurts will come. Conflict will happen. It is inevitable. To survive the race, you need to learn to forgive quickly and often. Learn to deal with conflict the Jesus way! Learn to overcome your reticence to go to people directly. A lot of problems can be solved with one-on-one conversations. Even when you don’t feel like it, forgive. God has forgiven you! It is the only healthy way to move forward! You will not survive in ministry if you don’t forgive!

5. Humility 
Keeping the right attitude in life is huge! You want to have the confidence that comes with walking with the Creator of the Universe. But, you need the humility that comes with knowing that any of us can fail! Put in the safeguards in your life that will help you to keep a proper perspective and attitude. Be humble. Be accountable.

6. Build great teams
If you are doing it right, the job is a way too big to do by yourself. One of my great joys in ministry has been to develop great teams of people to work with. Production teams, music teams, choirs, orchestras, bands, Alpha teams, sound teams and on and on! Out of those teams will grow leaders. Leaders whom God will use and often send out. Jesus said, “Go into all the world”. Our job is to train people to go!

7. Recharge
When God created the universe, He took a day off. If God needs a day off, so do you! I have always made a point of taking days off and also taking some great vacation time with the family. Life flies by. I love the memories that we have created in our vacation times together. Also, look after your health! I have learned the value of regular exercise and proper diet. Life is a marathon, not a sprint!

Question: What have been some of your keys to successful, healthy, long-term ministry?

Check out my book: “Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure’. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions.  This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.

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7 Benefits of Being Filled With The Holy Spirit

What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit? A simple definition is this: ‘A follower of Jesus empowered to live the life God intended for them by submitting to the presence, power and purpose of the Holy Spirit in their lives.’ Let’s explore seven blessings that come from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

1. Spiritual Empowerment:

Being filled with the Holy Spirit empowers us to live out our faith boldly. The Spirit provides strength and courage to face life’s challenges, enabling us to navigate the complexities of this world with confidence grounded in our trust in God.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

2. Transformation of Character:

One of the beautiful outcomes of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling is the transformation of our character. As we yield to the Spirit’s work, we witness the emergence of the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These qualities reflect the character of Christ within us.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

3. Spiritual Gifts:

The Holy Spirit bestows upon each believer unique spiritual gifts. These gifts equip us to serve one another and contribute to the edification of our faith community. Whether it be wisdom, healing, prophecy, faith, miracles, word of knowledge, tongues, administration, leadership, teaching, service, encouragement or other manifestations of the Spirit, these gifts play a vital role in building up the body of Christ.

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all… A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. (I Corinthians 12:4,7 NLT)

4. Guidance and Direction:

In our journey of faith, the Holy Spirit serves as our guide. Through prayer and seeking God’s will, we gain insights and direction for our lives. The Spirit’s gentle nudges and promptings help us align our paths with God’s purpose for us.

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. (John 16:13)

5. Communion with God:

Being filled with the Holy Spirit fosters a deep and intimate communion with our Heavenly Father. Through prayer, worship, and meditation on God’s Word, we draw nearer to Him. The Spirit serves as the bridge that connects our hearts to the heart of God.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. (Romans 8:26 NIV)

6. Boldness in Witnessing:

The Holy Spirit emboldens us to share the transformative power of God’s love with others. As vessels of the Spirit, we become courageous witnesses, testifying to the grace and mercy that have touched our lives.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

7. Abiding Joy and Peace:

Ultimately, being filled with the Holy Spirit brings about a profound sense of joy and peace. In the midst of life’s storms, the Spirit provides an unshakable assurance of God’s presence, leading to a joy that transcends circumstances and a peace that surpasses all understanding.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace… (Galatians 5:22)

For more insight into ‘being filled with the Holy Spirit’ take a few moments to read the accounts of Jesus’ disciples encounter with the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts:

1. Acts 2:1-4 (ESV):

   When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

2. Acts 4:31 (ESV): After Peter and John were released from custody and reported back to their fellow believers:

   And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.

3. Acts 9:17 (ESV): The conversion of Saul (later known as the apostle Paul) by Ananias:

   So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, ‘Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’

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